Hey there, folks! I'm Norm MacDonald and this is Isaiah 6, Weekend Update-style! So back in the day, Isaiah is hanging out in the temple, and all of a sudden God appears to him. Isaiah totally freaks out and he's like, "Oh snap, God is here! I'm so scared!" And God's like, "Yo chill, Isaiah, don't be scared. I got this." So then God tells Isaiah to go spread the word of God throughout the land, and Isaiah's like, "Okay, sure thing, God! But, I mean, most people are gonna be like, 'What the heck is this guy talking about? God? What the heck is that?'" And God's like, "Don't worry about it, Isaiah. I got this too." And then a couple of angels come down and they're like, "Hey, God, you ready to do some smiting?" And God's like, "Yeah, yeah, I'm ready. Let's do this!" The end. I'm Norm MacDonald and that was Isaiah 6, Weekend Update-style!