Okay, so Isaiah 62: Alright, so this chapter is all about the restoration of Jerusalem. God is like "I'm going to give Jerusalem a new name, and the nations are gonna know it." He says, "You, my people, will be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD will name." He also says, "You shall be called Hephzibah and your land Beulah." Basically, God is saying that when the people of Jerusalem are restored, it's gonna be a big deal. He's gonna put a guard around the city, and it's gonna be a symbol of redemption and joy. The nations will know that Jerusalem has been restored and they will celebrate. At the end of the chapter, God is like, "I'm gonna make your righteousness shine like the dawn and your salvation like a burning torch." So, in a nutshell, God is restoring Jerusalem and it's gonna be a big deal.