Hey, everybody. Did you know the Bible's got a chapter about parties? Yeah, it's true. Isaiah 25: it's all about how God's gonna throw a party for everyone who trusts in him. And it's gonna be a doozy. There'll be plenty of tasty food, and the Lord's gonna get rid of death and sorrow forever. That's right, no more tears. How's that for a good time? And it's gonna be a blowout, with people from all over the world, even from the most far-flung places. Sounds like a good time to me. And after the party's over, the Lord's gonna make the world a better place, with a lot less crime and violence, so everyone can live in peace. What a great day that'll be. So if you're looking for a good time, just trust in the Lord and you won't be disappointed. That's all for this week. I'm Norm MacDonald, and I'm out of here.