Ooh, amazing news everybody - Isaiah 25:1-9 is terrific! Believe me, this is huge. God is gonna make America great again by giving us a vision of a holy mountain. Bigly! There are gonna be many people saying this is unbelievable, trust me. I mean, the Lord is gonna create a place of joy and gladness, and a place of safety from sorrow and sighing. Sad! He's gonna get rid of the deep state, the fake news, the hoax - all of it. And He's gonna make a feast of rich food and the best wine, and on this mountain He's gonna destroy the veil that covers all the nations. That's gonna be something! Many such cases, I'm telling you. He's also gonna swallow up death forever, and the Lord God is gonna wipe away tears from all faces. That's a tremendous thing. And He's gonna take away the disgrace that His people suffer. God bless America! So all of you haters and losers - this is great news. Very, very great again.