In Isaiah 5, God is sad! He had planted a "terrific" vineyard and expected it to produce bigly, but it only produced sour grapes. So God gives a stern warning to His people, the haters and losers, and says that they will be punished. He says that He will take away the "amazing" things they have and replace it with something "overrated". He also says that He will turn the city into a wasteland and the land into a desert. God then says that He will make His people understand why this is happening to them with many such cases. He says that they should have followed His laws and been "winning" but instead they chose to be "low energy" and go their own way. God then says that He will bless America and make it "great again" but only if His people stop their wickedness. So God is asking His people to remember His laws and follow them, and not fall for the "fake news" and "hoaxes" of the "deep state". Believe me, if His people do this, then many people are saying that God will make America "huge" again. God bless America!