Batman: What a pickle we find ourselves in, Robin! Robin: Indeed, Batman! What do you make of this Isaiah 5? Batman: Well, it's a warning of what will happen if the people of Israel don't repent of their wickedness and turn to God. Joker: Ha ha ha! Wickedness? In Israel? What a hoot! Batman: It's no laughing matter, Joker! God will bring disaster on Israel if they don't repent. Robin: But what kind of disaster, Batman? Batman: Isaiah 5 says that God will send a 'great and powerful army', one that will bring desolation and destruction to the land. Catwoman: Sounds like fun! Batman: No, Catwoman, it's not fun! It's a warning of God's judgment and it should be taken seriously. Robin: So what's the lesson from this chapter, Batman? Batman: Repentance is always the best course of action when we have sinned. God wants his people to turn to Him and live according to His commands. Otherwise, there will be consequences.