(Batman and Robin enter the Batcave)

Robin: Holy Bible, Batman! What a chapter! Isaiah 40 has a lot of promises of comfort and hope.

Batman: Yes, indeed, Robin. It's a reminder that God will always be with us and help us through our struggles.

Catwoman: It also says that God's word will not pass away and his love will never end.

Batman: That's right, Catwoman. It's a reminder that we can rely on God, no matter what. It says God will renew our strength and that his love is eternal.

Joker: But it also warns us not to make idols or bow down to them. We must worship God and him alone.

Robin: That's right, Joker. It reminds us to acknowledge and trust in God, not in ourselves or in other people or things.

Batman: With God's help, we can get through anything. So let's remember the words from Isaiah 40 and stay strong in our faith.