Batman: Robin, let's review what we learned from Isaiah 45.

Robin: Well, it's all about God proclaiming his power to the world, Batman.

Batman: That's right, it's about God's power and glory. This is a great reminder for us about the importance of faith in God.

Joker: Hey, that's my line!

Batman: Joker, you stay out of this. You may think you have power, but you're nothing compared to the power of God.

Joker: Oh, really?

Robin: Yes, really! Isaiah 45 tells us that God is the only true ruler of the universe and that all other rulers must recognize his power if they want to be successful.

Batman: That's right, Robin. God is the only one who can bring true justice and peace to the world. We must all look to him for guidance and strength.

Joker: Well, I don't know about that.

Robin: Joker, you'd better believe it. Isaiah 45 tells us that God will judge all people according to their deeds and that his justice will prevail.

Batman: That's right. We must all strive to do what is right in the eyes of God, and trust that he will provide us with the strength and guidance we need to do so.