Batman: His ways are higher than ours, Robin. Much higher.

Robin: That's right, Batman. We must trust in God's plan and be patient.

Catwoman: *purring* Patience is a virtue, but I'm not sure I'd trust God's plan!

Joker: *chuckles* Oh, Catwoman, you are a delight.

Riddler: What plan is God laying out in this chapter, Batman?

Batman: He's telling us to seek His guidance and trust in Him, Riddler. He promises that if we seek Him, we will find Him.

Penguin: But what does He offer in return?

Robin: He offers forgiveness, Penguin! He says that even though our sins are like scarlet, He will make them white as snow.

Joker: *smiles devilishly* That's a lot of forgiveness, Batman.

Batman: It is, Joker. But it is worth it to seek God's guidance and to trust in His plan.