Folks, I tell you what, this Isaiah 55 is some real deal. Here's the deal: God's saying that the rain and snow is gonna come down, and it's gonna bring the blessings of good times. C'mon, man, I'm not joking here, it's gonna be like a banquet for everybody. We're talking about abundance and plenty here, literally. No malarkey. Even if you don't have any money, you can still get a meal here. See here, Jack, you don't even have to worry about the money, cause God's gonna take care of it for you. What was that? He's gonna do it for free. That's right, free. Not gonna happen. And here's something else, something my father used to say: the word of God is gonna last forever, excuse me, or, uh, you know, even longer than that. It's gonna outlast the heavens and the earth. So don't forget it, Jack. It's gonna be here long after you're gone. Literally.