Listen, Jack, here's the deal with Isaiah 66: God is gonna get angry at the people who don't follow him and literally punish them. And no malarkey, folks, he's gonna do it in a big way. My father used to say "God is a vengeful God" and I'm not joking, he was right. See here, Jack, those who have faith in God are gonna be rewarded and what was that? They're gonna be so blessed, or uh, you know, they're gonna be taken care of like a baby. But those who don't believe, not gonna happen. I tell you what: God ain't gonna have it. Folks, it's gonna be a huge problem for them and excuse me, it's gonna be a major punishment. It's gonna be like the world is ending, c'mon, man! God isn't gonna let these people get away with it, so no malarkey, it's gonna be a huge deal. That's the long and short of it.