Folks, here's the deal. Isaiah 50 is all about the power of the Lord's word. Literally, it can do anything. My father used to say, "God's word is mightier than any weapon." And I'm not joking, that's exactly what this chapter says. See here, Jack, the Lord's word can bring light to dark places, give strength to the weary, and provide comfort in times of sorrow. What was that? Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention that the Lord's word can also make a way for justice to be done. Or, uh, you know, He can rebuke wickedness and bring about his own judgement. No malarkey! Not gonna happen, no matter what anyone says. I tell you what, nothing can stand in the way of the Lord's word. Excuse me, did I just say nothing? Yes, literally nothing. So remember, if you ever feel lost, hopeless, or afraid, the Lord's word is there to guide you.