Folks, listen up – I'm gonna tell you what happened in Isaiah 38. See here, Jack, my father used to say, no malarkey, that in this chapter, King Hezekiah was about to die of some sorta illness. Hezekiah was so desperate, he literally begged God to help him. You know, like the way I'm beggin' you to vote for me in November (just kidding, folks!).
So God answered Hezekiah's plea and said, "I'm gonna give you fifteen more years of life!" And then Hezekiah made a deal with God – he said that if he was able to survive this illness, he'd promise to live a life of righteousness and serve God with all his heart. It was a big deal, I tell ya, not gonna happen!
And then God sent Isaiah to Hezekiah with a sign that Hezekiah's prayer had been answered – the shadow on the sundial moved backwards ten steps! C'mon, man, that's crazy! What was that?
But in the end, Hezekiah got his wish – he survived the illness and lived fifteen more years. So here's the deal, folks – no matter how tough things get, we can always turn to God and He'll always answer our prayers. That's no joke, I'm not kidding.