Listen, Jack, I'm gonna tell you what my father used to say about Isaiah 4. "No malarkey!" he'd say. "This chapter is all about the glory of the Lord and how it will shine down on us. See here, Jack--it talks about how a branch will grow from the Lord's tree and seven women will grab onto it. Or uh, you know, seven women will grab onto the Lord's branch. And literally, it's gonna be a sign that the Lord is with us. I'm not joking, folks. We're gonna have a cloud by day and a flaming fire by night, and we're gonna be living in perfect peace. Now, excuse me, I don't want to jump the gun, but I'm telling you this is literally not gonna happen until the Lord cleans up the mess that's been made. I tell you what, folks, this is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. And I'm not just saying that--what was that? This is the real deal. C'mon, man!