Folks, here’s the deal. Isaiah 6 is all about this guy, right? He's in the temple, and he sees God in all his glory! Like, literally, the whole room is filled with smoke and God's sitting on a throne. Now, I tell ya, I'm not joking, but God's got these six-winged beings flying around Him and they’re singing "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty". No malarkey! So Isaiah starts freaking out, because he's like, "Oh man, I'm a sinner and I'm not worthy to be here". So God sends one of these winged dudes over to Isaiah and he touches Isaiah's mouth and says, "Your sins are forgiven. Go out and tell the people about me". See here, Jack, Isaiah says, "Okay, yeah, sure, I'll do it, but who's gonna listen to me? I'm just a regular guy, you know". And God says, "I'll give you the power to do it. Now, c'mon man, get out there and do it. My father used to say, if you believe in something, you gotta put your money where your mouth is!" So, Isaiah goes out and starts preaching the good word. What was that? Oh yeah, and that's the end of Isaiah 6. Or, uh, you know, the beginning of Isaiah 7. Not gonna happen!