Joe: Alright, so we have our Bible expert on the show today, what can you tell us about the chapter of Isaiah 6?
Expert: Well Joe, Isaiah 6 is a great chapter. It begins with a vision of God seated on His throne in the Temple. He is surrounded by six-winged seraphim, who are shouting "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts." This is meant to highlight the holiness and supremacy of God.
Joe: Holy wow! That's intense. What else is in this chapter?
Expert: This chapter also contains a call from God to Isaiah to become a prophet. He is commissioned to preach a message to the people of Judah, calling them to repentance.
Joe: Hmm, interesting. What kind of message?
Expert: Isaiah is told to speak out against the wickedness of the people, and to warn them of the consequences of their disobedience. He is told that although the people may reject his message, a remnant will remain who will still be faithful to God.
Joe: Jamie, quick! Google "remnant" and tell us what it means!
Jamie: According to Google, a remnant is a small surviving group of people, animals, or plants, especially those remaining after a large part of a population or group has died or been destroyed.
Joe: Got it! So, the people of Judah rejected Isaiah's message, but a few remained faithful to God. What happened next?
Expert: Isaiah then gives a prophecy about the fall of Jerusalem, which eventually did come to pass. He also speaks of a future restoration when God will again show His mercy to His people.
Joe: Well, that's a bit of a downer. Anything else in this chapter?
Expert: Yes, the chapter ends with a beautiful picture of God's grace and mercy. He is willing to forgive the sins of His people, even though they have disobeyed Him. He is willing to restore them if they will only turn back to Him.
Joe: Wow, that's a powerful message. Thanks for coming on the show and giving us a great summary of Isaiah 6!