Joe: Alright, so what’s this Isaiah 43 about?
Bible Expert: Well, it's a chapter in the Bible where God is reminding the Israelites of his power, reassuring them that he will always be with them. He tells them that he will forgive their sins and give them a new start.
Joe: Wait, wait, wait - so this is like a “do-over” for the Israelites?
Bible Expert: Yes, exactly. God knows the Israelites have done wrong, but he still loves them and wants to give them a fresh start.
Joe: What else does God say in this chapter?
Bible Expert: He tells them that they don't need to be afraid, because he is the one who will save them. He also says that he will be their God and they will be his people. He will protect them and give them a new identity.
Joe: Interesting. What else?
Bible Expert: God also tells them that he will make a way for them to go through the wilderness and into a new land. He will do things that no one else has ever done before. He will be their guide and he will be with them every step of the way.
Joe: Wow, that’s really powerful.
Bible Expert: Yes, God is really reassuring the Israelites here. He loves them and wants them to know that he will always be with them, no matter what.