Joe: Alright, so we're on to Isaiah 39 right? What's the big takeaway of this chapter?

Bible Expert: Yes, this chapter is about Hezekiah, the King of Judah, who shows off all his wealth and treasures to foreign ambassadors.

Joe: Woah! What kind of treasures are we talking about here?

Bible Expert: Hezekiah showed them all his gold, silver, spices, armory, and the house of his armor.

Joe: Oh man, that sounds like a lot of stuff. What does the Lord say about this?

Bible Expert: The Lord warns Hezekiah that all his wealth and treasures will eventually be taken away by foreign nations.

Joe: Whoa, that's pretty serious. Anything else in this chapter?

Bible Expert: Yes, Isaiah also tells Hezekiah not to be too proud of his wealth, as it will all eventually be taken away, and it will not last forever.

Joe: Alright, so this is a good lesson in humility then?

Bible Expert: Exactly, it's a reminder to not be too proud or show off our wealth, as it can be taken away from us at any time.