Joe: Alright, so we're talking about Isaiah 2.
Bible Expert: Yes, Isaiah 2 is a prophetic chapter that was written by the prophet Isaiah around 700 B.C. It foretells of a future time when the world will be at peace and the people of God will be living in harmony with one another.
Joe: Wow, that sounds great! So, what does the chapter say?
Bible Expert: Well, it starts off by saying that in the future, the mountain of the Lord's house will be established as the highest of the mountains and all nations will come to it to seek the Lord's wisdom. It also mentions that in this time, swords will be turned into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks, meaning that war and violence will be replaced with peaceful and productive activities.
Joe: That's amazing! What else?
Bible Expert: Well, it goes on to say that people will no longer live in fear of their enemies, and that the Lord will judge between the nations. And finally, it mentions that the Lord will teach His ways to the people and that they will walk in His paths.
Joe: Wow, so it sounds like this chapter is really about creating a world of peace and justice through following the Lord's teachings.
Bible Expert: Yes, that's correct. It's a beautiful vision of a world where people are living in harmony and peace with one another, and are guided by the Lord's wisdom.