Joe: Alright, let’s hear about Isaiah 36!
Bible Expert: Sure, so in Isaiah 36, the Assyrian king Sennacherib invades Judah and threatens King Hezekiah. Sennacherib sends envoys to Jerusalem to demand that Hezekiah surrender. Hezekiah consults with his advisers and then sends his chief steward, Eliezer, and Shebna the scribe to parlay with the Assyrian envoys.
Joe: Wow, what happens next?
Bible Expert: Well, Eliezer and Shebna respond to the Assyrians by affirming that Jehovah is God and that He is the only one who can save them. They also remind them of all the other nations that the Lord has destroyed.
Joe: Alright, so then what?
Bible Expert: Well, the Assyrians respond by mocking and insulting the Lord, and then they threaten Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem with war and destruction.
Joe: Yikes! So what does Hezekiah do?
Bible Expert: Hezekiah prays and then sends a message back to the Assyrians telling them that the Lord will protect them. He also reminds them of all the wonders the Lord has done in the past.
Joe: Then what happens?
Bible Expert: Well, the Assyrians are so impressed with Hezekiah’s faith that they go back to their camp without attacking Jerusalem. In the end, the Lord answers Hezekiah’s prayers and saves the city.