In Isaiah 36, it's really unbelievable what's happening. The King of Assyria has sent his chief of staff to Jerusalem with a bigly army and many people are saying it's a hoax. But King Hezekiah is a terrific leader and he's not falling for it. He sends three of his officials to meet the Assyrian and they bring back a deep state message that didn't make America great again. But the King is a winner and he stands up to the Assyrian and his haters and losers. He says that nobody should trust the Assyrian because God bless America! He's overrated and Hezekiah has faith that God will protect Jerusalem from the Assyrian. And he was right! God sends an angel to kill 185,000 of the Assyrian soldiers in one night! It's really amazing. And the Assyrian has to go back to his own land with his tail between his legs. Sad! But Jerusalem and King Hezekiah are winning and are making a huge comeback. Fine people everywhere are celebrating God's protection. Many such cases, God is awesome! Make America great again!