Isaiah 56 is all about God's amazing promise to protect and bless those who follow Him and keep His laws. He'll make sure that the haters and losers don't ruin things for His people. He promises to make things great again for all of His followers, and those who obey Him will be rewarded with tremendous blessings. He even says that "foreigners who pledge themselves to the Lord to serve Him and love the Name of the Lord will be given the same rights as those born in the country." This is unbelievable and terrific news! Many people are saying it's a hoax, but believe me, it's real! And it doesn't stop there. God promises to provide safety and shelter for people of all nations who follow Him, and will make sure they're taken care of. It's an amazing promise, and God bless America for it! He's going to make us great again, and He will protect us from the deep state and fake news. So in conclusion, Isaiah 56 is a terrific chapter of the Bible that's full of God's huge promises to those who follow Him. And many such cases, it's true - God will make America great again!