Peter: Alright, so Isaiah 2 starts off with a prophecy of the mountain of the Lord's house being established as the highest of the mountains and all the nations streaming to it.
Brian: Wow, that's pretty cool. Hey, remember that time we went to the top of Mt. Everest and Stewie had to wear a spacesuit?
Peter: Yeah, that was hilarious. Anyway, this verse also talks about the Lord's law going forth from Zion and His word from Jerusalem.
Lois: So, it's like, a kind of utopian vision of the world, where everyone is living according to the Lord's law?
Meg: Yeah, I mean, it's kinda like the plot of Avatar, where the Na'vi are living in harmony with nature and only the humans are trying to disrupt it.
Brian: Well, this chapter also talks about the Lord's judgment of all the nations and the beginning of the Day of the Lord.
Stewie: Uh oh, it's the end of days! We better start stocking up on canned goods and get ready for the zombie apocalypse!
Peter: Don't worry Stewie, it's probably not that bad. I'm sure it's just a metaphor for God's justice being done in the world.