Peter: Alright, so Isaiah 17... Lois: Wait, is this the one about the mountains and the hills? Peter: Yeah, I think so. Stewie: Wait, I know this one! So, there's a prophecy that says the mountains and hills will become desolate, and all the people in the cities will be destroyed. Brian: That's a bit dark. Lois: Yeah, and then it says that the glory of Israel will be humbled. Peter: That doesn't sound good. Meg: And then God will punish the people of Damascus for their arrogance. Stewie: Yeah, and then it says that the fortified cities of Israel will be destroyed and forgotten. Lois: That's really sad. Peter: Yeah, and then there's a bunch of stuff about thorns and briers, and then it says that the people of Syria and Israel will be destroyed. Brian: Well, that's depressing. Meg: Yep, and then it says that the nations of Israel and Syria will be exiled and taken away. Stewie: And then the land will be left desolate and empty, and all the people will be gone. Peter: Well that's it for Isaiah 17. Meg: Wow, what a sad chapter.