Peter: Alright, Isaiah 24. Let's see what it's about.

Lois: Yeah, it's about the Lord punishing the earth for its iniquity.

Brian: Whoa, that sounds like the plot of the movie Armageddon.

Stewie: Yeah, but with less Bruce Willis and more divine wrath.

Peter: Yeah, it's really intense. The Lord's gonna punish everyone in the world and make them suffer - even the sinners, who will be punished with destruction, famine, and all sorts of disasters.

Lois: But it won't be forever, right?

Peter: Nah, eventually the Lord will restore the earth to its original glory.

Brian: That's like the ending of Wreck-It Ralph, except instead of a video game world it's the whole world.

Stewie: Yeah, but it won't be as fun and exciting.