Lois: So, Isaiah 11, what are we talking about here?

Peter: Well, according to the Bible, there will be a shoot that will come out of the root of Jesse.

Brian: Wait, like a Jesse shoot from Breaking Bad?

Lois: No, not exactly, Brian. It means that a descendant of Jesse will have a special spirit that will make him wise, understanding, and full of knowledge.

Stewie: Interesting. So this descendant will have the power to judge between what is right and wrong.

Peter: Yeah, and he's also gonna be a peacemaker.

Meg: That sounds like a great superpower.

Brian: Yeah. He should totally be an Avenger.

Lois: Okay, moving on. The Bible also mentions that the world will be filled with knowledge of God, and there will be no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain.

Stewie: Wow, that sounds like paradise.

Peter: That's right, and it says that the wolf and the lamb will live together peacefully, and a little child will lead them.

Meg: That's so sweet.

Brian: Yeah, and it also says that all the nations will be blessed through this descendant of Jesse.

Lois: So there you have it, Isaiah 11 in a nutshell.

Stewie: All I know is, if the Avengers ever need another member, they should give this descendant of Jesse a call.