Peter: Alright, so, Isaiah 47...Lois, why don't you start us off?

Lois: Sure thing, Peter. So, Isaiah 47 talks about Babylon's downfall. It says that the Lord will humiliate Babylon and send its citizens away into exile.

Stewie: That's horrible. It sounds like something out of the latest Star Wars movie.

Peter: Yeah, but at least they don't have to deal with Jar Jar Binks.

Lois: Anyway, it talks about how Babylon's rulers will be powerless and their kingdom will be destroyed.

Meg: Yeah, like the Empire in Star Wars.

Peter: Or the Death Star in Star Wars.

Lois: Yes, whatever. The point is, Babylon will be punished for its arrogance and its citizens will be exiled.

Stewie: Wow. Sounds like something out of the Lord of the Rings.

Peter: Yeah, or The Matrix.