[Peter Griffin] "Alright, let's see what Isaiah Chapter 9 is all about. The Lord will make a great light in Galilee, and the people that dwell in darkness will see a great light. He will increase their joy and give them peace like a river. He will bring justice to the nation, and He will establish it forever. The zeal of the Lord will do this. [Lois Griffin] Oh, so that's the good news - there's gonna be peace in Galilee? [Cleveland Brown] Yeah, like in that movie with Will Smith, 'Peace in Galilee'. [Peter Griffin] No, that was 'Independence Day'. Anyway, the Lord will cut off the yoke of the enemy from the people, and He'll use the rod of the oppressor. He'll burn Assyria with fire and His sword. [Chris Griffin] So, basically, God is gonna take out the bad guys with a big sword? [Peter Griffin] Yup, that's what it looks like. [Brian Griffin] 'Lord of the Rings' style? [Peter Griffin] Sure, why not? [Stewie Griffin] I just had a vision of a giant God crushing everyone with a giant sword while singing 'We Will Rock You' by Queen! [All] Yeah, that's one way to do it.