Hey, folks, here's the deal. See here, Jack, I'm not gonna lie to you, this chapter of Isaiah is a doozy. My father used to say, "Isaiah 19 is a veritable cornucopia of confusion!" No malarkey! Let me see if I can explain it to you. So, literally, it's all about Egypt and the Lord's plan for them. I tell you what, God is gonna humble them and make them dependent on other countries for their food and water, c'mon, man! Then, uh, you know, God is gonna make their leaders confused and totally helpless and their wise men unable to give any advice. Not gonna happen! And there's gonna be a highway connecting Egypt to the land of Israel, excuse me. And then the Lord is gonna bless them, literally, and make them into a glorious nation. What was that? And the Lord's gonna be very present in Egypt and be honored there. I'm not joking, this is literally what the Lord says. Or uh, you know, he's gonna be a sign and a witness to the nations, that's a pretty big deal. So, there you have it, Isaiah 19 in a nutshell. Literally!