Batman: All right, Robin, what do we have for Isaiah 4?
Robin: Uh, Batman, it says in the Bible that seven women shall take hold of one man in that day, saying, "We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach."
Batman: Hmmm, that sounds like a plan hatched by the Joker!
Joker: You got it, Batman! I'm determined to make the women of Isaiah 4 sorry they ever believed in the power of one man.
Catwoman: Don't worry, ladies, the Catwoman will see to it that you get what you want!
Riddler: And the Riddler will make sure nobody stands in your way!
Batman: Not so fast, villains! Nobody is going to take away the reproach of the women of Isaiah 4. They shall be called by a new name, a name given by the Lord: "The City of Righteousness," "The Faithful City."
Robin: Wow, that's a powerful message, Batman!
Batman: It sure is, Robin. We must all be faithful to the Lord and strive for righteousness.