Folks! Listen, Jack. My father used to say, "When you're in love, you can literally do anything." Well, here's the deal. In Song of Solomon 8, we see just how powerful love can be. I'm not joking. The author tells us that love is as strong as death, and its intensity is like a fire. It isn't something that's gonna be extinguished by a little bit of water. Not gonna happen. That's why the author says that no amount of money can buy love. Or uh, you know, no amount of hard work can make it any better. What was that? Love is something that just is. Excuse me. That's why the author says, "Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it." See here, Jack. No malarkey! Love is a powerful force, and it's worth cherishing and protecting. I tell you what. That's what Solomon did in this chapter.