Folks, I tell ya what, when I read this chapter of the Bible, it takes me back to the days of my father, who used to say that if you want true love, it can be found in the Song of Solomon. I mean, literally, it's like the Bible is saying, "Hey, c'mon, man, you ain't gonna find no better love story than this!" See here, Jack, it's all about this woman who is madly in love with her man, and she's telling him how she'll love him forever, no malarkey. Excuse me, but she even talks about how she's like a mare among Pharaoh's chariots and how handsome her man is. I'm not joking, Jack, when I say that the Song of Solomon is a great read. It's like, what was that? A love story that's literally been around for centuries? Or uh, you know, something like that? Not gonna happen, my friend. Here's the deal: if you want a great love story, look no further than the Song of Solomon. That's what I say, no questions asked.