C'mon, man! Listen, Jack! I'm talking about Ecclesiastes 12 here. Folks, no malarkey! Here's the deal: Basically, the chapter is saying that life goes on, literally. My father used to say: life is like a wheel. I'm not joking. See here, Jack: it goes around and around and eventually winds down, what was that? Or uh, you know, all the days of your life have an end, not gonna happen. I tell you what, Ecclesiastes 12 is all about the end of life and the remembrance of it. So, it says to remember God in your youth, excuse me, and to serve him faithfully. It's also saying to be aware of our mortality, because we don't know when our time is up. And I'm telling you, Ecclesiastes 12 is a powerful reminder of the importance of living life to the fullest.