C'mon, man! Here's the deal with Ecclesiastes 4. See here, Jack, my father used to say that two people can do more than one, and that's what this chapter is all about. It's literally saying that two are better than one. You know, like if one falls, the other one can help them up. Not gonna happen if you're alone. I tell you what, folks, it doesn't just stop there. It's saying that if you have a good friend, it's better than having a lot of money, because a true friend will always be loyal, and money ain't gonna buy you loyalty. Or uh, you know, if two people come together and join forces, they can really accomplish something great. What was that? It's like the old saying, two heads are better than one. Not joking, Jack. That's the truth. So, you know, don't go it alone. See what you can do with a friend. Excuse me. No malarkey!