Cleveland: Hey, so what did we learn from Ecclesiastes this time?

Peter: Well, it's all about living life to the fullest and realizing that friends can be just as valuable as family.

Lois: That's a nice thought, Peter, but there's more to it than that.

Brian: Yeah, Ecclesiastes 4 tells us that it's better to have a partner than to be alone, because two are better than one and they can help each other out.

Stewie: Oh, so like Ross and Rachel!

Peter: Yeah, just like Ross and Rachel. Except in Ecclesiastes, it's more like, if you have a partner, you can pull more weight and get more done than if you're alone.

Lois: Right. And it also talks about how having a partner can help you stay out of trouble.

Cleveland: So, like when you got the wrong order at the drive-thru and I was there to talk you down?

Peter: Yeah, just like that. Ecclesiastes 4 says that with a partner, you can have a better outlook on life and you can enjoy it more.

Brian: So, don't forget about your friends, even when things get tough.

Stewie: Yeah, and don't forget about the drive-thru, either!