Peter: Alright, so Ecclesiastes 6 is all about how it's better to have a good name than to have a lot of money.

Lois: Oh, Peter, that's so true. Money can't buy you happiness.

Brian: Uh, yeah, but it can buy you a lot of beer.

Peter: Hey, that's true too. But the point is, it's better to have a good reputation than to have a bunch of money.

Stewie: Oh, come on, you're both wrong. It's better to have a lot of money and a good reputation.

Cleveland: Yeah, that's totally true. Money opens a lot of doors.

Joe: Well, the Bible says that it's better to have a good name than to have riches. And it's better to be content with what you have than to always be chasing after more.

Quagmire: Hey, I couldn't agree more. It's not what you have, it's how you use it.