Batman: Robin, our mission tonight is to uncover the secrets of Ecclesiastes 6.

Robin: Holy scripture, Batman!

Batman: Indeed it is! According to this chapter, there are times when people are not satisfied with the blessings they have, no matter how much they have.

Joker (interrupting): Oh wow, you mean like me? I'm never happy with the amount of chaos I cause!

Batman: Joker, you have nothing to do with this. Now, it says that a man who lacks wisdom and understanding is like an animal that has no understanding.

Catwoman (interrupting): Oh, so you're saying I'm like an animal?

Batman: Not at all, Catwoman. It also says that a man who is not satisfied with his life is like a man who never dies.

Riddler (interrupting): What a riddle! What does that mean?

Batman: It means that no matter how much a person may have, they will still want more. Satisfaction is fleeting and one should be content with what they have.

Penguin (interrupting): Hmph. That's easy for you to say, Batman. You have Robin!

Batman: Penguin, that's enough out of you. Robin, let's go back to the batcave and review what we've learned.