Batman: The wise man said, “It is better to be silent than to speak.” (Ecclesiastes 5:2)

Robin: So, let's keep our voices down and not make too much noise!

Joker: Now why would you want to do that? Live a little!

Batman: Because the wise man also said, “It is better to heed a wise person's rebuke than to listen to the song of fools.” (Ecclesiastes 5:3)

Joker: Oh, I guess that makes sense.

Robin: Yes, and the wise man also said, “Don't be too quick to make a promise to God.” (Ecclesiastes 5:6)

Batman: That's true. We should be careful about what we promise, because if we don't keep our word, it could bring us great harm.

Joker: Or great joy!

Batman: Yes, but let's focus on being wise and keeping our promises. That's the best way to stay out of trouble.