Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Folks, I tell you what, this chapter is about the dangers of money and wealth. My father used to say, c'mon man, don't be so eager to make a bunch of money. Or, uh, you know, if you do make money, don't go around talking about it all the time. See here, Jack, money can make you a lot of enemies, so don't be too proud of it. What was that? Don't think that money will last forever, because it won't. No malarkey! I'm not joking, literally, money can't buy you love or happiness. Here's the deal, folks, always be humble and don't let money get the best of you. It's a slippery slope, and before you know it, you'll be out of money and in a heap of trouble. Excuse me, but that's the truth. Not gonna happen, folks, money won't make you live forever.