Listen, Jack, here's the deal. Folks, Ecclesiastes 8 is all about the power of a King. My father used to say, “No malarkey: a King’s word can be as strong as a lion’s roar.” See here, Jack, no one can stop a King from doing what he wants. Not gonna happen. I’m not joking.
C’mon, man, you should also know that a King’s command can be as powerful as the grave. Literally. You can’t argue with that. What was that? A King’s command has no end. Or uh, you know, you can’t reverse it.
I tell you what, no one can fathom the work of a King. Excuse me, it’s a mystery that’s too great for anyone to understand.
Folks, even when a man dies, his command remains. That’s the truth. Literally. My father used to say, “A man’s command can outlive him.” I’m not joking.
See here, Jack, a wise man’s words can make him shine like the sun. Ecclesiastes 8 makes it clear: a wise man’s words are more valuable than gold. C’mon, man, that’s a fact. Literally.