Folks, here's the deal: Life is short, so we shouldn't be afraid to take risks and enjoy the moment. C'mon, man, you never know when it's gonna be your time. My father used to say, “youth is like a seedling, it grows and then it dies." Literally, if you wait too long, the opportunity will pass you by. No malarkey! Or uh, you know, the sun will set and you'll be left wondering what was that? I tell you what, Ecclesiastes 11:1-6 says invest your time, energy, and resources into something that will outlast you. See here, Jack, don't let your dreams die with you. Invest in something that will bring glory to God. Excuse me, but it's true that life is full of unexpected surprises and adventures, so don't be afraid to try something new. Not gonna happen, I'm not joking. We should all make the most of our time here on Earth, and leave a legacy that will last for generations.