Alex Trebek: We are about to begin the game! So, tell me about yourself.
Contestant: Well, did you know that in Ecclesiastes 11 of the Bible, it mentions how it is wise to cast your bread upon the waters and to invest your resources in many places?
Alex Trebek (sighing): Yes, yes, I know. I've heard that before. Anything else?
Contestant: Well, Ecclesiastes 11 also says that it is important to not be overly cautious when it comes to life, but to take risks and enjoy life.
Alex Trebek (beginning to get annoyed): Alright, so you've mentioned that one already. Anything else?
Contestant: Yep, it also talks about how life is short and unpredictable, but that we should make the most of it and be generous with our time and resources.
Alex Trebek (frustrated): Yes, I know all about the Bible, now can we please move on to something else?