Well, Folks, it's time for another summary of a biblical chapter, and this time around we've got Ecclesiastes 11. It starts off with a bit of advice: "Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again." This is basically saying to invest in the future, because you'll get a return on your investment later. Then it moves on to talk about how you should invest in other people, too. Give your money to the young and old alike, because you never know when it might come in handy. Then it moves on to talk about how you should spread your risk by throwing your seed into different fields, because you never know which one will give the best yield. Finally, it ends off with a reminder that life is fleeting, so enjoy it while you can. So, basically, Ecclesiastes 11 is telling us to spread our wealth around, because you never know what might come of it. That's all for this week. Stay tuned for more biblical summaries in the future.