Alex: So, tell me about yourself.
Contestant: Well, according to Ecclesiastes 6, there is a lot of futility in life. Everything is meaningless and we can't really understand why we are here. People are often envious of what others have and we can never truly be satisfied.
Alex: [Rolls eyes] Right. So, how about a hobby you're passionate about?
Contestant: But, wait, there is hope. Ecclesiastes 6 says that although life is hard, we should still be happy with what we have and enjoy the good things in life.
Alex: [Sighs] Okay, so what kind of music do you like?
Contestant: It also says that we should be thankful for the gifts we have been given, and to remember that death comes to us all.
Alex: [Groans] Alright, I'll ask again - what kind of music do you like?