Peter: Alright, so here we go: Ecclesiastes 9. It's about, like, life and death, and how everything is meaningless, y'know?
Lois: Peter, you don't have to be so depressing.
Peter: Nah, I'm not. It just says that, like, life and death, they don't matter 'cause we're all gonna die anyway.
Brian: Yeah, but it's not all doom and gloom, Lois. It says there's still hope, even in the face of death.
Peter: That's right. It says to enjoy life while we have it, and to live each day to the fullest.
Stewie: Yeah, and then there's the whole bit about how wisdom is better than strength, and how it's better to have wisdom than to have power.
Peter: Oh yeah, and don't forget the bit about how it's better to be lucky than to be smart.
Lois: Well, let's all try to remember that, then.
Stewie: Alright, but don't forget the part about how no one knows the future, so we should make the most of every moment.
Peter: Right. So, to sum up, Ecclesiastes 9 is all about living life to the fullest and making the most of every moment, 'cause you never know what's gonna happen.
Lois: That's right. And don't forget the part about how wisdom is better than strength.
Peter: Yeah, that too. Alright, so there you have it: Ecclesiastes 9.