Folks, here's the deal. See here, Jack: Jude 1 is a book about perseverance in the face of adversity. It literally tells us to be on guard against false teachers and to trust in the Lord. My father used to say that if you stick to the truth, no malarkey, you will be rewarded for it. We must be aware of false teachers who want to take us away from the Word of God. What was that? We must also learn to love one another and to build one another up. C'mon, man! We must be willing to accept correction and rebuke, and not be afraid to criticize those who oppose the truth. I'm not joking: We must always strive to do what is right and keep our eyes on God. Excuse me, but that's Jude 1. You know, or uh, you know, literally. Not gonna happen. I tell you what: God will reward us for our faithfulness.