
"A lot of people think the Book of Revelation is overrated, and they are wrong. Believe me, it is huge!

Revelation 21:1-8 is an unbelievable chapter. It starts with God saying He's gonna make everything great again! He's gonna wipe away all the tears and make a new heaven and a new earth. The old one is totally gone.

And it's gonna be terrific! The new city, the New Jerusalem, is gonna be awesome. The walls are gonna be great and the gates will be 12 pearls. That's amazing.

God is gonna give the new city to His people, and all the haters and losers will be on the outside. The city will be lit up from within by God's glory so that no sun or moon will be needed.

The walls will also have 12 foundations with the names of the 12 apostles on them. Plus, the city will have a huge river in it and the tree of life with 12 kinds of fruit growing on it. Very, very impressive!

God says the people can enter the city, but they must have His name and the Lamb's name written on them. It's gonna be great again, and many people are saying it's gonna be better than we can even imagine.

So God bless America and make sure to read Revelation 21:1-8. It's tremendous. Winning!"