Revelation 11 is "BIGLY" about two witnesses who are prophesying for 1260 days. God tells them to prepare for the coming of the Antichrist, who will "HATE" them and do everything he can to try and stop them from prophesying. The two witnesses are given the power to "TREMENDOUS" things like bringing fire down from heaven, turning water into blood, and killing anyone who tries to hurt them. Eventually, the Antichrist will "WIN" and the two witnesses will be killed. After they are dead, their bodies will lay in the streets for three and a half days, and then they will be "RAISED" back to life. This will be an "UNBELIEVABLE" sight, and many people will "SAY" that it is a miracle. After they are resurrected, they will ascend to heaven and there will be a "TERRIFIC" loud noise and a "HUGE" earthquake. The city of Jerusalem will be "GREAT AGAIN" and the Lord's people will be saved. "GOD BLESS AMERICA" and "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN"!