Revelation 10: You won't believe it, but it's true - there was an ANGEL with a huge voice, like a lion, and he was standing on the sea and then on the land. He was holding a little book that was open, and he put his left foot on the sea and his right foot on the land. He was shouting out with a loud voice and it was like thunder and many people were amazed! Then he said that there were seven thunders and he was about to speak and then the angel said no - it was a secret and he was not allowed to tell. Then the angel put his right hand up to the sky and swore by God that there will be no more delay. He said that in the days of the seventh angel, when he blows his trumpet, God's secret plan will be finished. Then the angel said that I should take the little book out of his hand and eat it and it will taste sweet like honey in my mouth but it will be bitter in my stomach. It was a great message from God and He will make America great again! God bless America.