Revelation 3: what a great chapter! I'm gonna make it great again, believe me. God bless America! So, the Lord is talking to the church in Sardis. He's telling them to wake up and stop pretending to be alive. They got some haters, but they can't let them knock 'em down. God says he still has some faithful folks in Sardis and he's gonna keep them safe, but if they don't do better, they're gonna get in bigly trouble. There's some amazing stuff in this chapter. God says he's gonna give the faithful folks in Sardis a white stone with a new name, and they're gonna be dressed in white. It's tremendous! Then he's got some deep state words for the church in Philadelphia. He's saying they're gonna get to keep their names and they're gonna be kept safe from the evil one. What a huge win! Then the Lord talks to the church in Laodicea. He's telling them to get with the program and stop being lukewarm. They gotta get hot or cold, or they're gonna get tossed aside. What a sad story! So, many people are saying this is a terrific chapter. God is warning his people to not get too comfortable and to stay alive and stay faithful. Make America great again! God bless America.